salted caramel

3215 days ago

Saturday Treat - Sampling Lemon Curd Pie ice cream at Free Speech Pizza

The pizza hardman Darren Atwater is still on holiday so I find myself in charge at Free Speech & Liberty pizza in Clerkenwell this fine Saturday and discover that the hardman has added a new flavour to the ice cream range.

We get our ice creams from a small independent and innovative supplier. So while everyone has salted caramel these days we had it two years ago. It is still my fave but to talk to customers you have to know what you are talking about. And so I have just “taken one for the team” and forced myself to sample a scoop.

It tastes just like the home made lemon curd pies my mum used to make when I was a kid. It has me thinking of her small farmhouse kitchen. But its ice cream. So not a warm piece but smooth cold cream. Not bad at all. 
